Home » “Blue Horizons: Navigating Opportunities in Azerbaijan’s Blue Finance Future” workshop was held in Baku

“Blue Horizons: Navigating Opportunities in Azerbaijan’s Blue Finance Future” workshop was held in Baku

by anar
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On November 28, 2023, the Azerbaijan Banks Association (ABA) and the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) European Sustainable Finance Project in partnership with Federal Ministry Republic of Austria and FIAS (the Facility for Investment Climate Advisory Services) hosted the “Blue Horizons: Navigating Opportunities in Azerbaijan’s Blue Finance Future” workshop in Baku. Key participants included Ivana Fernandes Duarte, IFC’s Regional Manager for South Caucasus and Europe, Yunus Abdulov, ABA’s Executive Director, Samra Talyshinskaya, Chief Economist of Azerbaijan’s Central Bank, along with various international and local experts.

The event focused on exploring blue finance opportunities within Azerbaijan’s financial sector. It aligned with the “Sustainable Finance Roadmap”, emphasizing the integration of sustainable and blue finance principles. The workshop offered insights into global blue finance trends and opportunities, shared experience from client using IFC’s Blue Finance Products, and concluded with a panel discussion titled “Blue Synergy: for Sustainable Development in Azerbaijan.” This gathering marked a significant step towards advancing sustainable financial practices in Azerbaijan.

Let’s add that ABA organizes seminars, webinars and other events on various topics in cooperation with local and foreign organizations in order to raise the level of professionalism of bank employees and to constantly increase their knowledge and skills.

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